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Chargement Évènements
06 décembre 22
Cours collectif
L'Extension, rue Américaine 11

Composting in the city : challenge accepted ? (EN / Free)



There are many ways to recycle organic materials, depending on the type of material, the volume, the available surface, the needs and the habits.

Whether it is outdoor or indoor composting, collective or individual, vermi /lombricomposting, Bokashi, chickens and many others.

In 2 hours you will get an overview of the different techniques available to help you choose the solution that suits you best.

This course will give you the knowledge to start or improve your composting technique.

Free registration but mandatory : https://www.eventbrite.fr/e/443359820157

No prerequisites are necessary.

Don’t hesitate any longer, sign up and compost with us !

This training is organised by Worms asbl/vzw and financed by Bruxelles Environnement.


18 h 00 min - 20 h 00 min

Infos pratiques

Free registration but mandatory : https://www.eventbrite.be/e/composting-in-the-city-challenge-accepted-tickets-443359820157
Where ?
À l’Extension, rue Américaine 11, 1060 Saint-Gilles
When ? 6th of december
What time ?
18:00 < 20:00
How much ? Free
Conditions : 25 participants maximum
Public : Adults
more infos : https://www.wormsasbl.org/


Worms asbl
